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Udo Marks ( Germany ) Problem Paradise ( Japan ) April 1999 ( 4 + 1 ) Mate in five moves .
Udo Marks Peter Rösler ( Germany ) Knobi's Knobelecke ( Germany ) June 1998 ( 11 + 3 ) Mate in three moves .
solution ( hold mouse button and scroll down ) : 1.) Kd7 ! 1.) ... , Kc5 . 2.) Qb3 , Kd4 . 3.) Kd6 , Ke4 . 4.) Qf3+ , Kd4 . 5.) Qd3# . 1.) ... , Kd5 . 2.) Qc3 , Ke4 . 3.) Ke6 , Kf4 . 4.) Qg3+ , Ke4 . 5.) Qe5# .
solution ( hold mouse button and scroll down ) : try : 1.) a8S ? d5 ! 2.) g8S ? stalemate . solution : 1.) g8S ! ( threat 2.) Sf6# ) , Kd5 . 2.) a8S ! 2.) ... , Kc4 / Kxc6 / Ke4 / Kxe6 . 3.) Sb6# / Se7# / Sf6# / Sc7# .
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